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Mentoring: Passing on the Torch

Mentoring is a key component for leadership/career development, knowledge management, and the fostering of high potentials.  We have over 25 years of experience with mentoring programs in 15 different industries including manufacturing, banking and financial services, nuclear and energy, research and development, health care, education, high tech and public service. Additionally, we have developed a unique mentoring process development tool to customize a mentoring program for your organization. We are your ideal mentoring partner as we developed the first reverse mentoring program, are happy to custom designed targeted and volunteer mentoring programs in several industries and with multiple levels of employees from executive to shop floor, and we have worked throughout the world installing, evaluating mentoring programs.



We provide the following services:

  • Full Consulting: We will work with your HR department to custom designed mentoring programs that encompass design, development guides, discussion guides, executive support, coordination, recruitment, assessment & data collection, selection/matching/pairing, training & orientation, supporting, and tracking & measuring.

  • Partial Consulting: Our award winning training and any of the other services listed above.

  • Training: Our award winning mentoring training program.

  • Certification: Certification to deliver our award winning training program, perfect for HR professionals and consultants.

  • Keynotes: We offer keynote presentations on mentoring for your next event.  Please contact us for more information.

  • Reverse Mentoring: We were the first company to set up reverse mentoring to provide leaders a worker’s perspective on how to become better leaders.



We offer the following products:

  • Passing on the Torch: Guide for Mentors

  • Passing on the Torch: Guide for Mentees

  • Certification Kit in Mentoring: Passing on the Torch – available for those interested in becoming certified in our award winning training program but do not want to participate in our in-person training programs.










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